We ship all books via USPS.

United States Shipping: Shipping for books and clothing is free within the United States.

International Shipping: International shipping is associated with substantial extra fees due to shipping costs and potential customs fees/VAT. Rates have gone up considerably over the past five years. Our textbook, Céimeanna Comhrá, is also available from the Cultúrlann in Derry, and it may be more cost effective to purchase directly from them.

Regarding out of stock textbooks, please allow extra time for shipping as it can take up to 6 weeks for us to restock books. For in-stock books, we typically ship books within 10 days of ordering. Delivery times may vary, but books are usually received within 3 weeks of ordering. Please understand, as a small club operating without profit, we cannot accept returns on products.

Advanced Books

An Cairdeagan Buí le hArt Hughes
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Anam na Teanga, Seán Mac Labhraí a chuir in eagar
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An Litir le Liam Mac Cóil
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Ag dul i bhfad le hAlan Titley
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Ar Muir agus ar Sliabh le Dermot Somers
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Ní Gabh Thar Tí Stíofáin le Máire Uí Fhlatharta
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Pluid: Scéal na mBlocanna H 1976-1981 le hEoghan Mac Cormaic
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Cailte i gConamara, Scéalta Aniar le Brian Ó Conchubhair
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Dún an Airgid le hÉilís Ní Dhuibhne
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Scéal Chú Chulainn: leabhar agus dlúthdhiosca
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Scéalta Draíochta Mhicí Sheáin Néill le Caitlín Nic Niallais
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Cúigear Chonamara le Micheál Ó Conghaile
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Gadaíocht Inis Duáin
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Ceiliúradh an Bhlascaoid 25
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Niall Mhícheáil, Seanchaí as Rann na Feirste
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Na Cruacha Gorma Inné agus Inniu le Pádraig Ó Baoighill
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An Béal Bocht le Myles na gCopaleen
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Flaitheas le Proinsias Mac a' Bhaird
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Luibheanna Leighis
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Caillte i gConamara
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An Uaigh le Laoise Ní Chléirigh
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Sa Pholl Báite
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Na Bráithre Críostaí i gCorca Dhuibhne
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Scéalaí Mhór Mhín an Líneacháin
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Daoine agus Déithe le Áine Ní Ghlinn
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Leanaí Séanta le Celia de Fréine
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Lasair na Gréine le Claire Lyons
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Amhráin Amhairgin, An Chailleach Bhéarra, Amhra Choilm Chille
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Go dTaga do Ríocht
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Ón tSeanam Anall le Micheál Mac Giolla Easpaig
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Céim Ar Aghaidh
Sale Price:$35.00 Original Price:$40.00
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Muintir an Ghleanna, Caitlín Bheití Ní Chuireáin
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Ní Bheidh Fuath Agam Oraibh le hAntoine Leiris
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Cruinnscríobh na Gaeilge le Ciarán Mac Murchaidh 6ú Eagrán
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Báire na Fola, le Séamus Ó Grianna--NUA!
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An Crith Beo, Scríbhneoireacht Sheosaimh Mhic Grianna, le Oilibhéar Ó Croiligh
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Inní, le Réaltan Ní Leannáin
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An Baile Beag Géimiúil: Amhráin na Trá Báine, Eag. Sinéad Ní Ráinne
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Madame Lazare, le Tadhg Mac Dhonnagáin
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Trialach Tuigbheála: Comprehension Tests (leabhar agus dlúthdhiosca)
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Dhá Leagan Déag: Léargas Nua ar an Sean-Nos, le Philip Fogarty, Tiber Falzett, Lillis Ó Laoire--NUA!
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Athdhiolaim d'Abairtí Dúchasacha, le Maolmhaodhóg Ó Ruairc
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Clárúchán (Registration)

You can register and purchase textbooks in the shop.

Tuition fees are per semester, regardless of how many courses you take. The $50 semester fee also includes membership in our branch of Conradh na Gaeilge. There is no additional charge for drill, conversation, or reading groups. To join these groups, please check Padlet for all links. There is no need to register for groups.

Teacsleabhair (Textbooks)

All textbooks are currently in stock.

Beginner: Céimeanna Comhrá 1

Advanced Beginner: Céimeanna Comhrá 1

Intermediate: Céimeanna Comhrá 1-3

Advanced: Céim Ar Aghaidh: Note that PDFs of Céim ar Aghaidh are available FREE at www.ceimaraghaidh.ie. We have made a printed bound version (240 pages, black and white) for student ease of use.