Cúrsaí agus Ranganna
Levels and Classes
Online Spring Irish Classes begin April 7th, 2025. Register now here!
Keep scrolling to bottom of page to see class schedule and descriptions!
Conradh na Gaeilge Craobh Chumar an Dá Uisce (Two Rivers Gaelic League) is a premier provider of Irish language classes at all levels, from beginners who are completely new to the language through the advanced class for students developing fluency.
Classes continue to be held ONLINE, with ongoing in-person language events you can find out about on the Events/Imeachtaí page. Once you register for your class, you will receive an IMMEDIATE automatic email confirmation from “no-reply@squarespace” (not from Conradh na Gaeilge) that includes links to Padlet, a site which will contain your Zoom link, class materials, and assignments. BE SURE TO CHECK YOUR JUNK MAIL FOLDER if you do not immediately receive a confirmation. For more information about how to attend online classes, click here.
Using Padlet: Padlet is a site that will host homepages for each class. Each Padlet site will consist of PDFs you can download, materials to read and activities to do. Your syllabus and Zoom link will be located on the class Padlet, as PDFs you can download. Padlet is continually updated with materials, so check your group Padlet often. There is no need to download the app or create an account to use Padlet.
Using Zoom: Download the Zoom app onto your device or computer and follow prompts to join a class. To connect to your class, enter the meeting ID and password indicated in Padlet.
Textbooks: We use Céimeanna Comhrá, a conversation-oriented book published through the Cultúrlann in Doire. Textbooks are recommended but not required.
From the descriptions below, choose the class level(s) that most closely fit(s) your needs. Try this Class Placement Self-Assessment to find your level.
Spring 2025 Schedule:
Immediately upon registering you will receive an Auto-Confirmation email with a link to the Welcome meeting as well as links to Padlet, a new site that will house each class Zoom link, as well as class materials. Check your spam folder for the confirmation email. All classes meet at Eastern Time.
Please see course information for more details.
Tuition includes your 10-week course, annual membership in Craobh Chumar an Dá Uisce (Two Rivers Gaelic League) and free access to reading and conversation groups (as available). You may take any other adjacent level course for no additional charge (Lower and Upper Intermediate, for example). We recommend you buy a textbook for class, but it is not required. Textbooks are purchased separately, and are for sale in the shop. Tuition has been maintained at low rates since our inception in 2016, and we rely on donors to help keep prices low. Please donate to help us to continue to serve all those who wish to learn Irish.
Please note: NO refunds of tuition will be given. If you notify the branch that you are unable to attend classes, by email, prior to the Welcome Meeting that begins each term, you will be given a credit toward a future session. No credits or refunds will be given after the Welcome Meeting each term. The registration period always terminates with the Welcome Meeting. (April 3, 2025).
We host native speakers for singing, music, and Irish language guest teaching events several times per year. See our Events page for more information.
Fáinne Óir agus Airgid: Is siombail choitianta tras-chultúrtha é fáinne a sheasann don aontacht agus don leanúnachas. Ní bhíonn tús nó deireadh leis, ná deighilt ar bith ann, agus léiríonn sé comhlántacht agus síoraíocht. Tá An Fáinne mar shiombail ar an nasc atá agat leis an nGaeilge. Caitear An Fáinne mar chomhartha go bhfuil Gaeilge agat agus go bhfuil tú toilteanach í a labhairt. Is do dhaoine le cumas bunúsach sa Ghaeilge atá an Fáinne Airgid. Léiríonn an Fáinne Óir go bhfuil líofacht sa Ghaeilge agat. Más mian leat tuilleamh eolais faoi mheasúnú ar do chuid líofachta, cuir teachtaireacht chugainn.
Spring ‘25 on Zoom
Keep scrolling to see all offerings! Classes meet weekly for 10 weeks.
Total Beginner
Bríd Munafo
Geared toward total beginners, students will learn simple conversational phrases as well as basic grammar and pronunciation. The cultural and historical background of the language is also introduced. Irish language short films and songs will be used. This class is an introduction and does not change material from term to term. Textbook: Céimeanna Comhrá Céim 1 (TEG A0)
Continuing Beginner
This course is conceived as spanning 3 terms. It is geared toward a range of students who are still beginners but feel ready to practice and expand basic conversational phrases, improve auditory comprehension and pronunciation, increase use of prepositional pronouns, and expand basic vocabulary. New material is introduced each term and students are encouraged complete the entire 3-term course at least once prior to moving to Lower Intermediate. This is course is run in conjunction with its supporting Conversation Group. Textbook: Céimeanna Comhrá Céim 1 (TEG A1)
Rebecca Shields and Martha Wright
Lower Intermediate
Antaine Mac Con Rí
NOTE: This class will begin 4/28/25
This course is conceived as spanning 3 terms, beginning in September. It is geared toward a range of students who are entering intermediate level. This course is appropriate for students who can carry on very simple conversations about familiar topics such as family, weather, food/drink. New material is introduced each term and students are encouraged complete the entire 3-term course at least once prior to moving to Upper Intermediate. Textbook: Céimeanna Comhrá Céim 1-2 (TEG A2)
Upper Intermediate
Aodán de Barra and Donncha Ó Coinn
Dé Luain
This course is for intermediate students with a solid foundation in basic Irish. This course is appropriate for students who can converse on a wider variety of topics for 5-10 minutes. New material is introduced each term. This course is taught mostly through Irish with some English. Textbook: Ceimeanna Comhrá Céim 2-3. (TEG B1)
Seoirsín Ní Mheachair
Dírithe ar dhaoine a bhfuil Gaeilge réasúnta líofa acu. Ba cheart gur féidir leis an mhac léinn sa leibhéal seo a bheith ábalta labhairt faoi thopaicí níos teibí amhail cúrsaí spóirt, oideachais, polaitíochta, srl. Déantar an teagasc trí Ghaeilge amháin. Téacsleabhar: Céim ar Aghaidh (ar líne, saor in aisce) (TEG B2-C1)
Total Beginner Conversation
Bríd Munafo
Thursday 6:30-7:15
Structured conversation practice for total beginner students.
Continuing Beginner Conversation
Ruairí Aldrich and others
Thursday 6:30-7:45
Structured conversation class to practice weekly topics and new grammar and vocabulary for the Continuing Beginner Class. Students are strongly encouraged to attend conversation class to make progress.
Lower Intermediate Conversation
Kathy McCormack
Tuesday 6:30-8:00
Conversation group for students at lower intermediate level.
Intermediate Conversation
Pádraig Ó Dubhghaill
Wednesday 6:00-6:45
Conversation group for students at intermediate level.
Guided Reading for Lower Intermediates
Pádraig Ó Dubhghaill
Wednesday 6:45-7:30
A reading group for lower intermediate. Students read short stories, passages, and poems together, with supportive scaffolding to translate vocabulary, idioms, and grammatical forms.
Guided Reading for Intermediates
Bríd Munafo
Tuesday 7:30-8:30
A reading group for intermediate learners, students read stories together, with supportive scaffolding to translate vocabulary, idioms, and grammatical forms. A great way to expand understanding of the language.
Grúpa Léitheoireachta
Seoirsín Ní Mheachair
An chéad agus an tríú seachtain sa mhí, Dé Céadaoin, 8:00-9:00
Pádraig Ó Dubhghaill
An dara agus an ceathrú seachtain sa mhi
Wednesday 8:00-9:00
Dírithe ar dhaoine líofa, léitear gearrscéal roimh an chruinniú agus pléitear an scéal le chéile.
A reading group for interemediate students and higher reading stories of Peig, the seanchaí of west Kerry. Alternating with Grúpa Léitheoireachta.